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Paper Abstract

Luminositie Skincare

Luminositie Skincare is a skincare brand based in the USA creating organic, natural skincare products for individuals focused on improving their skin without using chemicals or harsh ingredients.

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Developing new skincare products that are both natural/organic and soil association certified at an affordable price, then marketing these in a saturated market (Amazon US).


Business Model



Target Market

The current solution is to have a lower volume of products and simply focus on 2-3 strong core targets based on our demographics.

All ecommerce and Amazon FBA based on previous website ecom projects and businesses, as well as FBA experience with clients.

The goal is to make organic products at affordable prices that still cater to a luxury style audience.

Ideally to scale worldwide and build up a wider range of products without scarifying quality/price.

Women aged 40+ looking for quality skincare products.

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