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Paper Abstract


scalr is a software for gyms and fitness studios to reduce their churn through understanding their member behaviours.

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Retention across the fitness industry averages at 52%, with many churned customers giving no formal notice or reasoning for their decisions. With competition within the fitness space increasing by >5% year on year, accompanied with customers requiring shorter-term commitments and cost of living increases, it's becoming tougher for gyms and studios to accurately predict expected lifetime value of their customers and set measures in place to prevent churn.


Business Model



Target Market

Our software integrates with our users existing operations and prioritises measures to keep customers that resemble the highest churn risk. We've developed our proprietary technology to capture causality and generate actionable ways that owners and operators can improve the experience of their members at most risk.

Our model is purchased as a monthly or annually subscription of £3,000. As new features are launched, we will modify the packages available for our users.

Using our proprietary algorithm, that's been developed, tried, and tested for over a decade across multiple markets, we can focus on providing insights that far exceed the predictive accuracy that gyms currently have available to them.

Our mission is to introduce a personalised and collaborative experience in health & fitness studios. Going to the gym is still widely considered a luxury, and operators in the industry continue to try & test new ways to improve their user experience without much luck. Our company future is to carve out the path for members to achieve their fitness goals, guided by the studio operators, and supported by us.

Health & fitness studios with 250+ members.

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